It’s true when I say, “I cannot do this without you!”
Representing our communities at the Capitol this session is my great honor.
Help me continue our good work by making a refundable contribution to my campaign fund. The maximum donation amount is $1000 and of course, donors will receive a one-time $75 refund whenever you make a donation of $75 or more ($150 for married couples). This refund is sponsored by the Minnesota Political Contribution Refund program which believes that elections should be funded locally – not funded by millionaires and outside corporate interests.
It is easy to make a $75 refundable contribution to my campaign by using the link below. Count on me to send you a receipt and form to submit to the State to receive your refund. Once you mail in your donation form, the State will send you a refund check as a thank you for participating in our democracy. The maximum contribution allowable is $1,000 per individual, $2,000 per couple.
I can’t do this alone and so appreciate your continued support in representing our communities at the State.
Thank you for your support!
Or, send a check (payable to “marykunesh4mn”):
196 Windsor Ct.
New Brighton MN 55112